Unite, Share and Grow in His Light

Preserving, teaching and propagating the christian faith in the Kiribati language

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Unite, Share and Grow in His Light

Preserving, teaching and propagating the christian faith in the Kiribati language

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Welcome To Our Church

Welcome to the Kiribati Uniting Church in New Zealand, also known as the KUCNZ Incorporated Society.

We are a charity organisation largely comprised of I-Kiribati who have made New Zealand their new home. The KUCNZ was the Kiribati Protestant Church (KPC), but changed its name to Kiribati Uniting Church following the decision by the majority of the General Assembly in 2016.

KUC Antebuka in Tarawa, Republic of Kiribati is the headquarters of KUCNZ.

Our Fellowship

To belong to KUCNZ means to achieve a feeling of oneness, having Jesus Christ as the leader and shepherd.

We share everything in common spiritually, culturally and socially as one congregation to support the objectives of the church.

As a congregation we work and give together to continuously renew the morale of each individual member spiritually and culturally, and to support, empower and deliver the objectives of the church.

Our Purpose

The purpose of our church is to exist, and to act as a strong foundation, not just for KUCNZ I-Kiribati residing in New Zealand, but for those needing to become part of this oneness to worship, teach and propagate our Christian faith in our own language.

The overall objective is to aspire and share our beliefs to enable members to become communicant members in this generation and in the next generations to come.

Our Projects

We fundraise so we can grow
Our society has achieved so much from when we first began as a small group of worshipers. Find out about completed and current projects.

Our Faith

The church’s beliefs are based on Christianity, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins of mankind.

Our People

Our members are predominantly Kiribati citizens whom they have chosen New Zealand to be their new homeland.

The Kiribati population in New Zealand increases every year, thus the members of KUCNZ. This brings a new challenge of teaching the young generation to speak and communicate in our mother tongue.

Our leaders and elderly members of the church along with Ministers are the backbones of the church. They inspire the young generation to excel in maintaining our culture through speaking our language.

We believe that once one adheres and follows the church’s principles with faith, every other aspect of life will contribute to a much brighter future for all.

Governance & Structure

With its main headquarters in Kiribati, the KUCNZ has a Board of Directors consisting of:

  • Six executive members
  • Four Pastors or Ministers as ex-officio members
  • Thirteen representatives from each parish inclusive of women and youth representatives..

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) being the highest authority (usually held during Easter holiday camps), monitors the progress during the year, while the Board meets every second month during the year to resolve operational and administrative matters.

Join Us

Thinking of joining our church? You’re most welcome at ours.

As Christians, we come together to find peace, happiness, and a communal belonging.

You can learn more about our faith, values and purpose by browsing our website. Or better still – pop along for a visit. We’d love to meet you.

News & Events

Easter 2025

This year Easter falls on the weekend 18-20 April 2025. KUCNZ is planning to invite our Church Moderator Reverend Taateti Tauma to be our guest.

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