Our church activities and programs support the needs of our community.
You can discover more about each one below
Church Activities & Programmes
YCL & Sunday School Group
Youth Conventions are usually conducted in October (Labour Weekend) in three different regions – Northern, Central and Southern. The participants are all youth members of KUCNZ from their respective regions.
The convention focuses on strengthening the spiritual faith of the young individuals. They learn to interpret the bible scriptures as well as how to preach the Words of God.

At the same time, our Kiribati traditional cultural activities and language are a major focus of the convention.
To this regard, the convention focuses on nurturing the young generation to live and grow with their Kiribati culture and language as they live happily and permanently in their new home of New Zealand.
Parents and Ministers are grateful for the outcome of every convention, because they contribute a lot to the social and spiritual development of our youth.
Men's Group
Its purpose is for all men to come together and discuss work that is mostly physical to aid everyone in their respective parishes, in particular maintenance work required at the KUCNZ properties.
Women's Group
Womens’ Group, known as RAK (Reita n Aine n Kamatu), is functioning well with very active members in every parish. The group’s main purpose is to:
- work alongside the Minister;
- assist in fundraising activities; and
- assist in all necessary chores at the property in their respective parishes.
The Executive body looks after RAK across New Zealand. They meet twice a year during Easter and Christmas gatherings. They also contribute to the church through their own offerings and fundraising activities.
Deacons Group
Deacons from each parish are the main figures behind the ministerial work. They would be overseeing ministerial work in the absence of the Minister. Each parish has its own office of deacons headed by the Minister. Some of the functions of a Deacon includes:
- Spiritual welfare of members
- Teach the Word of God
- Administer the sacraments
- Training and confirmation of communicants and deacons
- Exercise discipline
- Administer the sick, family members having social issues; and
- Many more as may be assigned by the Minister.
Ministers Group
We have five Church Ministers and four of them are allocated to the four regions, while the fifth one is the Youth Minister who moves from region to region working with the youth groups.
The group meets bi-monthly to strengthen their callings, discuss social issues within their parishes, and provide counselling services, while fulfilling the Board decisions needing their attention and dedication.